"Limbo, it's a place where we all go at some point in our lives..."


                       The Making Of Limbo: Part II



       That April day was the beginning of six long months of filming. The crew was

not tied down to a shooting schedule because they felt they would be constrained

to getting it done, instead of making it the best they could. Having no schedule

helped when shooting on location because if they needed to return a second

time to shoot or reshoot a scene there was no worry of being behind. The

result was the ability to take chances and shoot scenes in certain ways that

may or may not be usable, but they would not have known if those chances

were not taken. This helped greatly the cost of creating scenes more than one

way, because the film was shot entirely on digital film. The accessability to more

tapes, convienience of playback and the ease of transferring it to editing made

shooting on digital the best choice.





Articles and Interviews


Want to read Something Cool? These are articles that

have been written about the making of "Limbo".

It's mostly four guys sitting around talking jibberishMike, Joe and Nick preparing for a scene at Lacoste Coffee by Stacy Wagoner

but it's a fun read.


Click Here to read the Tacoma News Tribune

Article from Feburary 26th 2006


Click below to read the original article from

the Pierce College Pioneer from June 2005

Text version

PDF format

You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the article.


Click Here to read the story of "Limbo"

from the cover of The Weekly Volcano

from the Jan 26th 2006 issue.

You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the article.


    Read the article written about the film

    from  the Tacoma Weekly a great local

    newspaper targeting the greater Tacoma area.


Click Here to listen to the first part of our interview with

One Man Down Productions.


Click Here for part two of the same interview.












(C) New Empire Productions 2003-2009